Monday, March 17, 2008

Wiki World

The concept is good - everyone going to one page to place and edit information. Must make this a lot simpler than many emails and cc.

The first paragraph on the 'Full library success: best parctices wiki ' says a lot of what concerns me. People diliberatly putting fulse information or just using it for a personal vandetta site. You wuold be forever cleaning up content. A lot of staff time.

No doubt putting logins and password in place would help to put a stop to this to some extent.

What can you say about 'wookiepedia' - a Star Wars lovers dream. again anyone can set up a new user and put on what they wish - makes for entaining reading - not for vaild information.

The ' Book lovers wiki ' I can see real value in this site. We could set up a wiki on our web opacs for staff and borrowers to place book reviews and genre book lists. Beats paper copies on notice boards or book marks. A "readers advisory" dream.

It would take staff time to clean up and make sure content is legit, but I think this would be worth while. It would be forever updating itself, in that borrowers would be adding to it all the time, so when anything new comes out, no doubt there would be comment on it.

Having gone into the - Learning 2.0 wiki - I realised how simple it is to edit and manipulate content on a wiki page. I also learnt that nearly all library officers feel the same about their work. We are very passionate about our work in libraries!!

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