Sunday, April 20, 2008
Wrap Up
I don't know about sitting behind a computer screen in a room by myself and social netwoking - It doesn't seem very social to me, I would much rather face to face networking!!
BUT I am old school and must get with the reality of what is to come. If we need to go the way of internet socialising then we must.BUT which one do we use? They are all different and appeal to different audiences so do you need to have something posted on all of them to get to all the ages and different clientel?
It is also about staff time to keep everying posted up to date and read all the feedback and comments that would come in a social networking site and then act on it.
The course itself has been both frustrating and enjoyable. IT departments make it frustrating in that somedays you have not trouble visitng various sites than others you cannot get into. What should take you 15 min sometimes takes an hour.
I have gained a lot of knowledge out of the course and now understand what 'Internet People" are talking about. I most likely will not be using many sites but than again I will be using more because I now know about them.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Document Creators
Slide shows could be very good for presentations especially if you are doing workshops.
Monday, April 14, 2008

I found masups entertaining. The big huge lab is very easy to use and could be used for a number of things, to create posters and flyers for promotional material for the library perhaps. Use it to design activities for kids or get kids to use them in a workshop for a school holiday activity. The star viewer was great, and would be a hit kids interested in astronomy.
I downloaded a picture from flickr and put it in a calendar. I t was very easy.
I visited the above site and found it very interesting as a mashup. It has news and everything else you could imagine. I watched a YouTube video clip about men trying to pull a palm tree out of thier yard. You could see what was going to happen ( why couldn't they). This site has photos, video clips, music clips and news items. I don't know about using it for work!! Perhaps visit it in my break to relieve stress!!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Stories on pod casts form Denver Library seems a really good idea for grandmothers baby sitting. Just put child in front of screen ( make sure it is a large flat screen) and go!!
There are a lot of subjects out there with podcasts. ABC would be good for all those radio national fans to get a repeat of what they have heard or catch up with something they have missed. Good for the man on the land for all the rural sessions.
Its interesting that some are just for listening and some for viewing. Red Symonds commentary is good (if you like his brand of humour).
In a library situation you could use it for an education tool - find a podcast that shows seniors how to use podcasts from one the education sites perhaps.
I googled "gardening podcasts" and came up with a lot of sites - amazing what is out there if you have the time to search.
Sorry I would rather be in my garden!!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Answer boards
It would be a great way to get to the teenages with what is available in the library and answer questions they pose. Also a good forum for feedback.
It seems like a good idea in theory but it is always the monster TIME that prevents us from following through these inovations.
Pehaps this will be the way of the furture because teenages want information NOW without too much effort on their part.
It would be sad if this happens as the libraries then become only recreational centers. All other information will be web based, and the need to come into a library will not be necessary.
Will we be than, siting behind a computer screen all day and not face to face with our customers?
Sound very boring to me!!
I have put a question on Yahoo!7 Answers and I am eagerly waiting for the answer, but sorry it was not a library question!
Just cheked my question - no answers yet!!