Fom this learning topic I hope to catch up to the great number of people that use the internet constantly especially the youth, so I have an understanding of what they are talking about.
Everyday in a library is lifelong learning, the old saying 'you learn something new every day' is something I think or say outloud many times. We need to learn things all the time to keep up with new information and technologies, and also as you get older, to keep the old brain ticking over.
I have looked at different blogs, some I found most informative and easy to read like the Sutherland Shire library news and Alternative teen services. These are set out like news letters full of brief but informative information. Then you have the sites like - world's best blogs - where you find many blog sites with unusal formats, which are interesting to look at and then you have the sites that are someone's bad day/week diary or venting space. I have enough bad days of my own without reading about these.
We could use blogs in the library to feed information to the public, eg. what is going on in the library - what books to read etc. This can invite comment back from the borrowers - what they want the library to do for them.
The technorati site I liked. It had a lot of different subject areas waiting for you to choose from.
It was well set out and easy to use. You could waste a lot of time in this sit.